6 July 2007

New Horizons

Last night was the opening night of Refuge:refresh and was another fantastic night, with three prints selling (two of them Kel's"!). Crowd numbers were a little less than last time, but still a lot of people shuffled through and shard a beer or wine with us.

Over the last month or so, I've been feeling a little... uneasy about my photography and where I'm at with it. I've been getting the sense that I'm in a but of a rut. I've been shooting a lot, but haven't been the satisfaction out of it that I used to. It's like I'm just going through the motions.

A while back, I bought a Holga 120N to try new things and shake it up a bit. But I've only used it once, and it's been in the cupboard since. I made a pinhole camera and haven't had the first film processed yet. I have a box of exposed 35mm film that contains film that are probably about five years old. I have a habit of starting something, but never going on with it. Digital is easier to follow through with, but now it's less satisfying.

Recently, I started to read up about processing my own film. I've never done it before, and thought it a bit daunting, using all the chemicals and stuff. But I found a step-by-step tutorial on how to do it on Flickr, and the light has turned on above my head.

Something's gotta change before I crack the shits and walk away from it entirely. I love photography, and don't want to give up on it. Until recently, I've gotten so much out of it, that I just can't give it up. I'm planning on learning how to process my own film, so I can scan it (somehow - haven't thought that far) and work on it, without having to wait for the lab to do it all for me. A film scanner is a possibility, but I need at least $2000-$3000 for an entry level scanner.

I'm going back to basics, and I'm starting again. I have the creative ability to make this work, and I have the ability to learn the technical side to make this work. Stuff the techno-shit, stuff the rules, stuff the conventions. Anything goes.

The exhibition opening last night reinforced the fact that I'm really not all that comfortable with selling my work. I like the fact that people want to buy it, but there's something that just feels wrong to me. So I'm not sure if I'll be in any more exhibitions - at least not hte next one or two. We'll see.

By the way, Take A Photograph is currently in hibernation, but I have plans for it to be evolved over the next few weeks or so. Stay tuned. :)

3 July 2007

Fresh Start

Listening to: Dream Theater - Constant Motion

I started my new job yesterday. Wow, talk about a great start. I've already been able to fix up a pretty big CAD file and drawings associated with it, and I've been given my first design job. And apparently I'm going to Saturday InDesign in Sydney at the end of the month.

If that's how my first day was, I can't wait to see what's going to happen today!

This time it feels... right. Here's a company that isn't afraid to drop me in the thick of it. They trust me and the skills I bring, and are willing to let me go for it. I like that. A lot. I'm getting a feeling about this job that I haven't had before. I did the whole metal detector thing which felt good except for some of the people. I did the whole box thing which pretty much sucked except for some of the people.

It's like I've been trying to find the right balance between the job and the people. I know it's only my first day, but so far the people have been great. No one is jumping out at me as being a potential tool, which is a rare but awesome thing.

Fingers crossed this is the chance I've been dreaming of for ten years.

1 July 2007


Listening to: Devildriver - Burning Sermon

So I've officially left my job. I guess till tomorrow I'm between roles. Feels a little odd really, knowing than in about 30 hours I'll be starting a whole new chapter in my life. Excting though - can't wait. Maybe that's why I can't sleep right now...

I was paid for the annual leave I had accrued, so we went shopping. I needed a new stock lens for my camera. I'd been eyeing off the Nikkor 18-135 f/3.5-5.6 for a month or two. Naturally I bought it. ;-) It's nice to have double the focal lenth to play with now - gives me a lot more flexibility. I also bought a new polariser, as my old one broke a while back. Kel picked up the 60mm f2.8
Micro which looks like a nice clear lens.

I picked up the new Devildriver CD yesterday - talk about brutal. I shall enjoy assaulting my ears. I also did some clothes shopping. I grabbed a new shirt, and a couple of jackets, as well as some more pants for work. Nothing exciting - just required.

Ooh ooh, and we picked up our prints for the upcoming Refuge: refresh exhibition. My vertical panorama looks stunning framed up. I almost don't want to sell it!