23 May 2007

So Long, I've Been Waiting

Listening to: Cog - Naming The Elephant
Take two a day, all again
Get out of my way, all again
You're late for work, all again
Feels like this life's
Slipping away

So David Hicks is out of Guantanamo Bay and has returned to Adelaide to finish his sentence.

Who fucking cares?

Does it really need to be the top story in all forms of media, print, radio and TV? Foes the world really have nothing else to do than to read/watch what this self-confessed terrorist ate on the plane flight (that my taxes helped to pay for) home? What movie he watched? What he wore as he walked off the plane? How big the security guards who escorted him were? Which gate of the Air Force Base he was taken out of? What roads he travelled to get to Yatala Gaol?

Honestly, is that the best the media could come up with? The man is a terrorist. Self confessed, too. Course, who really knows how truthful his confession was. After all, you'd probably say what you needed to after having been treated so poorly for so long.

But honestly, can't we focus on happier news? The dude's out of the Guantanamo Gulag, and into more virtual-solitary in Adelaide while the folks up-on-high figure out what the hell to do with him. I don't need to know what his plans are for when he gets out; what university course he wants to study.

Blah Blah Blah.

Move on, please.