16 April 2007

Etcetera is my worst enemy

Listening to: Faith No More - Absolute Zero


Cog are returing to Australia in June to play some gigs on a short tour. Guess which city they're not playing in?


I've come the realisation that I'm in this job till at least the end of September. Wev'e booked four weeks of holidays from late August to late September, and I really need some time away. So I'm going to keep my eyes on the job market, to see what's out there. But until we get back from our holidays, I won't be applying for anything till then.

As much as I want to move on to bigger and better things and find something that will challenge and stimulate my brain, for now I need to sit tight and keep my head above water.

Why oh why in the name of all things small and furry do they call it IT support? What support do they offer? I have just spent six and a half (read 'em, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and a half) hours waiting for someone, anyone to fix my log-in problems. I have achieved two fifths of fuck all. I have completed one job, when in the same time on a "normal" day, I would've done about fifteen or twenty.

So after losing over half my working day, I'm left to catch up. Of course I did it. But to be left for that long without even email access is pretty fucked up.