18 December 2006

Monty Python Is Not Funny

Listening to: Cog - The River Song


Don't get me wrong about this. I used to think it was fucking hilarious. I would listen to it hour after hour - I could recite most of their most famous sketches word for word. I could even mimic their accents. Thing is, over the years the novelty and humour has worn off for me. To the point where I don't find it funny in the slightest.

And therein lies the problem. See, three of the guys in my office love it - to them, it's one of the funniest things ever. So it gets played, quoted, recited and sung loudly all the time. The first couple of times I found it amusing enough to smile or maybe even chuckle. But now it drives me Up. The. Fucking. Wall.

So between sales reps wandering in and talknig about bullshit, Monty Python blaring through other peoples' computer speakers, and all the hammering and bashing/crashing that goes on around work, I'm verhy slowly starting to boil. I've stuffed earplugs as far as possible into my ears (I think I hit the eardrum), and it's cut a lot of it out.

But I can still hear Monty Python. *twitch*