6 October 2006

Lily Flower

Lily Flower
Originally uploaded by adam1975.

This is the result of waking up at 4am thinking about my last day at work and all the crap I need to get done. I get up and review my photos from last weekend.

I've been trying to capture one of these flowers for years.

5 October 2006

May I Waste Your Time Too?

Listening to: Eskimo Joe - London Bombs


As of Monday the 9th of October, I will be on two weeks annual leave. Glorious, glorious annual leave. The time to be sleeping in, chilling out, practising my photography, catching up on my paperwork, getting my website up to date (maybe even working on a new version), looking into a Camera Club or two, drinking much less coffee and just generally catching my breath.

My job is taking up so much of my time at the moment, that the days of the week just blend into one. The working week is fast becming a precursor to sleeping in Saturday and getting my strength back. Only to have to prepare for the next week, which blends into one very long day. And so on.

So to have the chance to step away for a couple of weeks will be heaven. No boxes, no artwork, no whining sales reps. No fifty phone calls and sixty emails every day. God, that'll be nice.

My cameras and I are going to be getting very friendly. Even my Holga 120N - still haven't had the chance to flex its' 'muscles' so I'm itching to get out and use it.

As long as they don't upgrade my computer while I'm away... I know the lease is almost up. I have to invest in an external hard drive to get my 10Gb of MP3's off it yet.

And now for something a little different. A photo I took a couple of months back, of Swayback front man, Brenton:

Swayback - Brenton