4 September 2007

Welcome to the 21st century

Listening to: Something For Kate - Pinstripe

Well, I'm finally dragging my ass into the 21st century. We've got broadband. :) And I'm SMRT enough to hook it up and not fry the electrical circuits in the house and the PC. Score!

Seriously though, it's so nice to be able to load pages at a normal rate. I've been on dial-up since about 2000 or so, and have also used high speed internet access at uni and various jobs. While I loved the fast speeds, I would simply go home and slip back into dial-up mode, patiently waiting for the modem to dial in and the pages to load eventually.

Recently we've been having issues with our phone line.Telstra twiddled their thumbs and ragged their knuckles kicking and screaming into the modern world of customer serivce, and took three weeks to fix a crossed phone line with our neighbour, but eventually after having basically no home internet for a month, we were back online. Just before the phone line filled its nappy, I'd been looking for a new ISP and had decided to upgrade to ADSL. I picked out the plan I wanted, the modem was chosen and the ISP booked in (almost). Finally, after Telstra got their shit together, we were able to join up.

Yesterday I got the message that it was ready to roll, so I shot into town on my lunch break and grabbed the modem and an ehternet card for my aging PC. After work I got home and immediately started playing. All my concerns about connecting it up and stuff like that quickly went out the window - this shit's easy to do!

So finally we have high speed broadband access. We're pretty much up to date on the techo side of things. Except for the aformentioned aging PC. I'm going to be getting a laptop in the next month or so, as the router I got supports wireless networking. But the PC will need to put out to pasture soonish. It's still going ok, but its teeth are getting rather lengthy.

Next stop, Google Earth 4.2, complete with hidden flight simulator mode. :)