9 October 2006

Aah holidays, how I've missed thee

Listening to: Cog - Moshiach

So I went off to HQ to see Sunk Loto and Cog play last night. Every time I see Cog, I love them just a little bit more. These guys are masters at entertaining with what appears to be very little effort. They're naturals and I'll pay good money every time they come to town from now on.

Sunk Loto were pretty cool too - din't quite grab me like their previous shows, but then again they've been out of it (at least nationally) for a while. But it was great to see them back.

The first band, Mammal were interesting. The lead singer/vocalist had a habit of jumping the barriers and moving round the venue during songs - very cool. I'll be on the lookout for more from them.

Saturday night, we went off to the Uni Bar to see Swayback support The Casanovas. Swayback have recently re-released their debut CD, The Quest For Rock & Roll, and I have been helping out with their website. Matt Small from the band told me that one of my photos has been used in the sleeve artwork, so I went and bought a copy (I already had the initial release, but wanted this one too). I opened it up and looked. Not one, but four of my shots made the cover! Then I read the credits - seems during the mad panic to update the artwork, someone forgot to put my name in the photo credits!

Seriously though, I was just happy to get my stuff into the artwork - actually, no I was fucking stoked. Duane from the band was majorly apologetic, even to the point of posting a Myspace blog to apologise. But I'm cool with it. I know they're my shots, the band knows they're my shots. Next time, thought, there'll be trouble. ;-)

So now that I'm on holidays, I'm looking forward to lots of sleep, lots of relaxation and lots of photography. I've been waiting nearly four months for these two weeks off, so I'm gonna be making the most of them.