29 March 2007

A little smile on a homicidal bastard

Listening to: Stonesour - Come What(Ever) May


Found a photographer who's stuff is pretty cool. If you're not a fan of HDR and that kind of unnatural lighting (though I'm pretty sure he uses standard lights - just knows how to set them up well), you probably won't enjoy this guy's work. But I think it's pretty impressive and worth a look if you're open to different ideas and styles.

Dave Hill Photography

There's a moth stuck in the louvres outside the 'window' next to my desk.
I call it a 'window' because this is all I can see out of it:

Really not the sort of environment that is conducive to creativity or productivity. But hey that's just me...

Anyway, back to the moth. I think I saw it fly in there earler today. Something white caught my eye as I was plodding away at making boxes. And just a few minutes ago I noticed it was still there. I guess it's met some sort of untimely demise in a spider's web or something.

The weather has finally turned I think. The last few days have been deliciously cool, even with a bit of rain. Of course, we could do with a lot more rain - the water supplies are getting quite low. What we need is a good solid soaking for about a week. A couple of hundred millimetres should do us for now. The front lawn at our new place is struggling. I was able to soak it last weekend for a good couple of hours, but due to the water restrictions, I can only do that once a week. Though, I reckon it's starting to look a little greener.

Not a lot else to typey-type about at the moment. Living quietly, working lots, not sleeping nearly enough. The usual really. ;-)