2 February 2008

Dream Theater

On Monday night, I was lucky enough to see my all-time favourite band finally play live. Dream Theater have never toured Australia before, and I had always told myself that when they did, I'd be there rain, hail or shine.

I bought my ticket the day they went on sale in late November, and quietly start to count the days. As I had purchased a Gold ticket, I was able to get into the front section of the venue, and plonked myself about ten feet from the stage and didn't move.

These guys are incredible musicians, and live they are just as talented as they are in the studio. And talk about value for money. The ticket cost over $125, but they were the only band on and they played for almost three hours, with a fifteen minute intermission.

They played songs from almost all their CDs (Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence, one of their finest albums, was curiously omitted) and pumped each song out with equal energy, passion and enjoyment.

Apparently their show in Perth two nights previous was cut short by technical issues, so I was a little cautious each time singer James la Brie fiddle with his earpieces, but it went smoothly.

In all, I'm a very happy little boy now. I've seen the one band live that I've been holding out for so long to see. Below are some photos I took with my phone. Not the best quality, but considering Dream Theater brought their entire world tour production, sound and lighting show, I'm happy with them.

Dream Theater 1

Dream Theater 2

Dream Theater 3

Dream Theater 4

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