3 December 2007


So it's Monday afternoon. Yet another week down, and only two and a half till I finish the year and take an enforced three week holiday. Seems work is closing down and no one will be working over that time.

This is new to me, as my previous two jobs allowed me to work through (other than the public holidays). That way I could take holidays further into the new year. This was, I'm going to be short about three and a half days. And I want to take two days off in late February. So it'll be October before I have another three weeks of annual leave up my sleeve. By which time, it'll almost be time to start preparing to take more time off (no doubt) over Christmas! Vicious bloody circle... Oh well, not much I can do about it. I asked about the possibility of coming back a week early, but it seems no one else will be around to let me in.

In other work news, I'm going to Milan next year for the International Furniture Design Fair in April. I can't wait - I've never been overseas. Hell I don't even have a passport yet! But that's in the works. It's already down to five months till we leave - so much to do...

I bought my ticket to Dream Theater's Adelaide concert on Friday - I'll be all dorky and post a photo of the ticket when I receive it. :-)

I had something else that I wanted to type about, but it escapes me right now. No doubt it'll return to me at about 4am tomorrow! Grrr.


I remember! Time for a little grumble (surprise surprise).

I have a slight issue with Myspace. I pretty much only use it to keep track of what my favourite bands are doing, seeing as every man and his dog is on there. When Dream Theater announced their Australian tour, I was able to control myself just long enough to post a comment on their page, saying how rabidly excited I was. The next day I logged in to find no less than twelve bands had seen my comment and requested to be my friend. Uhhh no thanks. I admit to taking  lot of joy in hitting Deny to each one of them, including the dodgy looking mullet-armed German dude who looked like he was stuck in an endless early-90s Skid Row fantasy. You're no Sebastian Bach, champ.

Seriously, I don't care about your two-bit busted-arse band. If I liked your music, you'd already be a friend. I'm well and truly over Myspace members' fascination with needing to have four hundred and sixty seven thousand friends. Leave me out of it.

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