30 August 2007


Listening to: Fear Factory - Replica

I am a duplication
I was conceived
So violently

I had a dream the other night, that I met
Dream Theater. The fact that one second they were wearing the classic mid-90s white basketball shoes with black jeans and black T-shirt, and then the next, they were all in casual clothers with their hair cut shorter doesn't seem to stick in my mind as much as the fact that I was sitting next to guitarist John Petrucci, talking about when they would be touring.

For those who don't know, DT have never hit the shores of Australia, despite having been in the industry for twenty years now.

I love my dreams sometimes, they're so random. Then again, the one I had when I was about five, where I was being chased round my grandmother's house by a Tyrannosaurus Rex, wasn't so lovely. I've only ever had that dream once, but I've never forgotten it. I can still see myself clear as day, running around the house, with this god-awful thing behind me.

Have you ever had a dream where you knew what was happening, but couldn't see it? See, I knew there was a T-Rex after me, but I don't actually remember seeing the bastard. I know it was behind me - I just don't remember looking at it. Needless to say when I was that young, it spooked me which probably why I can remember it so vivdly.

I wonder if that's got anything to do with my morbid fear or being approached from behind without knowing. In my previous job, I sat with my back to the corridor. To overcome this fear, I placed a small convex mirror on the edge of my computer screen, so I had a view of any movement behind me. I didn't necessarily want to know who was there, just if there was someone there. It was there for a good twelve months before someone (never did find out who) complained to my manager saying it was "unprofessional", and I was asked to remove it. I moved it to a less obvious location on the partition, where I could still see it, but it was difficult for others to see.

Anyway, enough about my bizarre tendencies. If you're not aware,
Nikon have announced the D300 and the D3. While I would love the latter, the former is more within my target price range. I've been planning on upgrading my venerable D100 for a while, and was eyeing off the D200. But with the D300 being released, I have a new prize to keep my eye on.

One thing I noticed while reading up about the D3 is that, because it's a full-frame sensor, if you stick a DX lens on it (which were designed specifically to get around the multiplifaction factor associated with non-full frame sensors), the D3 will actually reduce the size of the image you take, from 12 megapixels to around 6 or something.

Not something those semi-pro shooters who have a bag full of DX lenses want to hear I bet - hope you held onto your FX lenses!

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