19 March 2007

Viking Hats, Cheese Slices and Calculators

Listening to: Faith No More - From Out Of Nowhere


Kel and I said farewell to a couple of friends on Saturday night. Pat & Lisa are moving to England for the next couple of years. I've known Pat for about ten or twelve years - we used to play soccer together - and have been good mates with Lisa for almost as long.

So it feels a little weird to know they're going to be on the other side of the world as of this weekend. But it's also making me more exicted about getting to New Zealand later this year. At this stage we're planning to go for four weeks, and drive ourselves around the whole country (not something we'd be able to say about many countries!).

It's times like these that make me want to start living a little. We've both been so busy with Christmas, then work, then moving and work combined, that I think we're suffering from a lack of time to ourselves. So even though our trip to the land of the long white cloud isn't till the end of August, we're about to start planning where we want to go, and start booking stuff.

The new house is going well - kitten's still getting used to the floorboards instead of carpet! But she's becoming a lot more comfortable with her new surroundings and is getting back to her cheeky sneaky ways.

The grass in the back yard is getting long - the previous tenants didn't bother to cut it before they left... I'll be buying my very own lawnmower soon, but for now I have to get someone to come and cut it for me.

For those who might not be aware, a group of South Australia photographer from Flickr have joined forces to hold an exhibition of their work in June & July this year. I will be posting more details as they come to hand - stay tuned.

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