18 July 2006

A Stranger Dead

Well, that wasn't exactly the best way to start my day.

On the way to work this morning, the traffic started to back up a fair way before the Grand Junction/Main North Road intersection, which was odd. Usually I'm within four or five cars of the intersection, and never get held up there.

Then I saw the blue and red flashing lights. And the traffic started to merge into the right hand lane. Then two police cars flew up the inside parking lane. Then the two ambulances appeared in front of me from behind the moving traffic, one parked across the left lane. Then I saw the white sheet lying on the ground - it was on the other side of the ambulance, but I could see it underneath the ambulance.

Seems a small car had tried to pull out of a side street but didn't see the Suzuki motorcycle coming from the right, in the left hand lane...

7:05am and someone's dead already.

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